MVP -  An ounce of action

2021 10 minutes read

Context Setting:

By the time we started with the product idea, we gathered some information about the challenges of potential users. But we did not have enough data to convince the sponsors for a budget. We barely managed with a tight budget to build the MVP. We had to be innovative and quick to produce proof of value.

| Defining WHY - the Vision

| Learning WHO - the impacted Users

| The RIGHT PEOPLE in the team 

| Exploring HOW - to develop, validate and pivot faster

| Discovering WHAT - feasibility, functionality and usability

The "WHY" statement:

We were pressed with two challenges here — first to solve the user problems and second to demonstrate the potential value of the product. We decided to build our purpose around these two specific goals.

Furthermore, we wanted to be very objective for the MVP. So we started only with the objective, which we later extrapolated to define the overall product vision. We refined the product vision as we discovered more facts and possibilities on our journey.

Framing the MVP Objective:  

Scoping & Setting the Priorities Right: 

We improvised on a 2 x 2 matrix to do our prioritization. This 2 x 2 matrix was inspired by Peter Thiel and we improvised on it and it worked out well for us. [X -axis] Determinant: The features of a value can be scoped based on parameters of which maximizes business value/impact. [Y -axis] Optimistic: The features which are technically feasible within the time frame.

With every iteration and user interaction we had more insights and revisited the "Prioritization" matrix.

Selection of Parameters: Getting the "economic denominator" right

We carefully selected our parameters to classify the features. Choosing the “right economic” denominator gave the maximum insights. In this case we chose —

Optimistic: - feature that can be built within 1-2 days [Rational: to produce something useful within budget and time]

Determinant: - No. of hours saved / run [Rational: The rational was to simplify the unit metric and choose the right denominator to justify the value. If we chose the metric as No. Of hours saved / user, we would have been reliant on the user behavior, skills and user efficiency. The denominator “run” gave us the fundamental insights on the process inefficiencies and was valid for all user types we had.]

Sense of Urgency:

We gathered a small team of good engineers and a designer. As we were discovering features, we started to problem solve and develop them in parallel. 

The regional users saw value in the MVP. The economic value of the product was convincing to the sponsors. We got approval for a larger budget. The biggest learning were from the tweaks and deviations we did from the usual approach. Experiments can teach a lot.